Vintage Cars Scrapyard

FOTOREF is a photo reference resource offering extensive photopacks with hundreds of images on specific themes. It was created to solve the problem that digital artists face all the time: finding a quality reference for your project.

You can google an image, but hardly ever it has good resolution. Even if it is high enough, quite often you need to see the other side of an item or more photos of a location. You can find a beautiful vista shot of a mountain, but what about rocks, boulders and the material composite of that formation?

This motivated us to build a platform to let everyone create photo references and sell them online. With the help of contributors, FOTOREF database is growing fast, already helping concept artists, matte painters, illustrators and 3d modellers.

Our long-term mission is to document reality and history, preserve unique locations and objects in all the detail for future in a digital form.

We hope you find something interesting on FOTOREF today and welcome you to join us on a journey of building the most comprehensive online reference library.